As an academy we ensure that our vision, values and ethos meet the expectations of the equality and diversity guidelines and legislation set out by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This includes the following 9 protected characteristics:
1. Age
2. Disability
3. Gender Reassignment
4. Marriage and Civil Partnerships
5. Pregnancy and Maternity
6. Race
7. Religion or belief
8. Sex
9. Sexual Orientation
1. To support children’s sensory, academic and communication skills to enable them to develop holistically
2. To ensure high expectations across all aspects of the academy (as outlined in objective 1) to ensure children make the best progress according to their individual starting points
3. To continue to monitor attendance of all groups of children in the academy
4. To review levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and academy life, across all activities and ensure equality and fairness in access and engagement
5. To ensure the academy environment is as accessible as possible to pupils, staff and visitors.